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Ironman tips required please

Reasonably experianced triathlete within the Uk but am doing my first Ironman in Nice in 4 weeks. A questions I would appreciate some help with.

In training I am suffering with my lips getting salty and chapped. I tried coating them in vasoline but it doesnt stay put for long enough. Anyone suffer the same and have a solution?

Many thanks in advance.



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    Hi Will,

    In hot conditions my lips suffer also. I did Luxembourg marathon recently and I did the worst thing by wiping my mouth a few times on the sleeve of my t-shirt - as the lips were soft it took the very top layer of skin away. This left the lips slightly bloody.

    did'nt affect my performance in any way - just meant it looked like it looked like I was wearing lipstick - not the best look!

    I have IM UK in Sept, and the one thing I am consistenly trying to remind myself is that I am doing this because I enjoy it, its a hobbie and shouldn't forget it. Too often, i am aiming for a certain time, distance or speed - as this will be first, I am introducing the mantra of enjoy and get round in one piece!

    I see this is your first post - not sure if you have been watching the forum for a while as there is a a lot of quality threads which can often some constructive advice.

    Best of luck in Nice.


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